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- What Is a Video Cover Letter and When Should You Use One?
What Is a Video Cover Letter and When Should You Use One?
Discover how to use a video cover letter to stand out as a potential job candidate. Find tips and ideas to help you create an effective video cover letter.

Photo by Yan Krukau: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-white-shirt-sitting-on-chair-in-front-of-macbook-4458421/
In today’s job market, you need to stand out to get ahead. A video cover letter can help you get the attention of prospective employers because it allows you to introduce yourself in a more personal way. In this article, we explain video cover letters, describe how to create your own and offer tips to maximize your first impression.
What is a video cover letter?
A video cover letter is a filmed introduction of yourself, usually two or three minutes long. You highlight your accomplishments that accompany your resume as you would in a standard written cover letter.
Sending along a video cover letter as part of your job application creates a long-lasting introduction. It’s a new way to stand out as a potential candidate for a job. While HR representatives and hiring managers may see hundreds of resumes and cover letters, a filmed version is a unique and personal way to present yourself visually.
When should you use a video cover letter?
A video cover letter comes in handy in several situations. For example, when you want a chance to introduce yourself before the hiring manager has scheduled an interview. While most job candidates may choose a traditional cover letter format, a video shows you are both innovative and engaging.
In another scenario you are applying for a customer-facing position. In these positions, it’s not just about your skills but also your ability to explain things verbally. A video cover letter shows employers that you are friendly and positive in your vocal tone, facial expressions and body language. These are aspects you cannot showcase with the written word.
Benefits of using a video cover letter
A big aspect is storytelling. While you can tell a great story via text, it’s often more effective to use a video as the medium of choice. Your tone of voice and expressions help emphasize your key abilities and job objectives. A strong presence on screen gets you noticed. You increase your chances to rise to the top level of candidates and get an interview.
Most importantly, you have a chance to show your personality, even when the hiring manager hasn’t scheduled an interview with you yet. Prospective employers get to see more of who you are. This doesn't mean you need to be an extrovert, rather, a video introduction gives you a chance to be more personal with how you introduce yourself to potential employers.
How to create a video cover letter
Creating a video cover letter is not difficult. We’ve created a guideline for you so you know what to focus on.
1. Prepare an outline
You need a script for your video. Even the best YouTubers have an outline they follow to create top-tier content. While you shouldn’t read word for word from a script, you need some sort of structure to help you guide your thoughts as you record your video.
A written cover letter is a great starting point to build an outline. Choose a few highlights that both demonstrate your strengths and how they relate to the company’s job description.
A bulleted list with subcategories works best to guide your speaking points. You should include the following information in your video cover letter outline:
Your name
The job you are applying for or the general industry
A personal statement that describes your overall skills and abilities
A brief description of your work experience
What makes you qualified for the new position
Any additional details that help introduce yourself to employers
A closing
2. Practice
Once you have an outline, practice speaking it out loud in the location where you plan to film. Decide whether you feel more comfortable standing or sitting. It may also be helpful to practice a few times in front of a mirror to watch your facial expressions. If speaking in front of a camera is a new experience for you, call a friend or family member on a video chat.
3. Sign up for a coverletter.video account and record a video
Once you’re ready to record, sign up for a free account at https://coverletter.video. Coverletter.video is an online platform that allows you to record videos, and share it with recruiters safely and easily. Once you’re signed up, you can either record directly in the browser, or upload a video you recorded on another device.
4. Set up your space and start the recording
Prepare your lighting and camera angles. Check your video recording equipment to make sure everything is working properly. Then, get yourself ready. Wear clothes you would wear for a video interview (i.e. button-down shirt, jacket, etc). Take a moment to think through your presentation and take some deep, calming breaths.
5. Review your recording
Once you finish filming, watch your video recordings, and choose the best one. Once you’ve selected your favorite, create a public video page that includes your relevant job history and education.
6. Send it to employers
With a recorded video, the next step is to share it with recruiters. To share it, set the video’s visibility to public, which gives you a new link which is publicly accessible. You can add the link to your written cover letter and resume or as your website/portfolio when submitting job applications.
Tips for creating an effective cover letter
Here are some extra ideas you can try to create a more dynamic video cover letter:
Consider the video as an extension of your resume. Instead of making your video cover letter a summary of your resume, consider it an opportunity to add extra information that shares your abilities and explains why you would be the perfect fit for a job.
Make it short. Similar to the brief format of a traditional cover letter, video cover letters should be two to three minutes in length. If you find yourself going longer, edit your outline to figure out what you can condense or eliminate.
Show your personality. Be relaxed and let your natural expressions show. You don't have to make your video perfectly scripted. Instead, smile and use a friendly tone.
Customize it. If you can personalize a cover letter to specifically address a company and the position you're applying for, your video could be even more effective. Once you create a general outline, identify places where you can add customized details to fit a specific job opening and film new videos as needed.
Are you ready? Sign up for a free coverletter.video account today and start applying!